Thursday, October 1, 2009


This is my first post so I decided to discuss something that for me, seems pretty cut and dried.

All the talk in Washington about healthcare reform fails to address one key element; the Constitution.

I agree that we need some reforms in the health insurance industry. It would be relatively simple for Congress to write legislation that would allow citizens to purchase health insurance from ANY company. This would promote competition thus lowering the cost. That would go far in making insurance more available for all.

Now, the Constitution. I spend a considerable amount of time studying the Constitution and other Founding documents. Not a single line in any of them gives the Federal Government the power to force citizens to purchase health insurance, nor does it give it power to control or administer health insurance. It is very simple!

Article one; section 8: Powers of Congress
The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. (bold my own)

Many of those who feel the Government should take over healthcare use this as their justification. This in no way allows for the plans outlined in Congress. Very clearly this section allows for the general welfare of the United States! Not individual citizens, and absolutely not for illegal immigrants!

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